That being said, I do believe in mystical experiences. I guess I better give my definition of such. To me, a mystical experience is the point in time where something happens that God allows you to sense His presence in your life in ways not before experienced. Usually the result of such experiences is a feeling of fear followed by peacefulness. This, by the way, was the reaction of those in the Bible who realized that they had been in the presence of God in a way they had not experienced before.
Before the time I am going to tell you about, another instance I vividly remember having one of these experiences was in December of 2009. I was deer hunting in Kansas. That morning as I walked to my blind it was very cold…..single digits with a hard, hard frost. Every step sounded like walking on rice crispies. I did not need a flashlight in the pre-dawn darkness because it was a full moon. When I arrived at my blind, I hesitated momentarily before stepping in and that is when I noticed it. All around me, everywhere I could see, things were glittering. The trees, the bushes, the ground were sparkling with a thousand lights. There is not a Mainstreet in America that could have produced that kind of Christmas light show. It was by far, one of the most dazzling, beautiful things I had ever seen. I felt like time had stopped. The silence together with the cold air sent a chill down my spine. I knew….God was there. My chill turned to a calmness and peace of spirit that is impossible for us to experience in our busy, running here and there lives. The words from Scripture, “Be still and know that I am God” came to mind. I’ll never forget it.
Now, on to my recent experience. Last Saturday my wife and I were on the way to Greenwood, Indiana. The normal way there is to take 256 into Austin…..31 to 65…and 65 North toward Indy. Done it a million times. However, when I came to the corner of 256 and 3…..I decided (with the Lord’s prompting…explained later) to take SR 3…into Seymour. I never go that way. But on this day, the Lord had something to teach me. He wanted me to walk with Him in a new way.
We had just entered into the Crosley Management area. On the left was a small pond and in the culvert on the right my wife and I saw some small birds. At first, I thought they were turkey poults. It is not uncommon to see the turkeys come to the edge of the road to grab some gravel. It helps them digest their food. Upon a closer look we saw that they were baby geese…aka….goslings. I only saw the one that appeared to be crippled, but my wife said there was another one lying down.
I paid no mind and drove on by. About a quarter mile down the road, my soft side got the best of me and I whipped the car around. We came to the spot and pulled the car over and turned on the hazard lights.
Upon further inspection we saw that it was two Canadian goslings and they were tangled together in a bird’s nest of fishing line. (Take your trash fishing line home please.) They had obviously gotten into it while swimming in the pond across the road. In returning to their nesting area…they were unable to climb the culvert embankment.
It was pathetic. They were both pulling against each other and getting nowhere. I did not have a knife so I was getting ready to use my teeth to break the line free when my wife said she had fingernail clippers in her purse. Perfect.
The first one was less tangled. Just his foot was caught. After I loosed him I asked my wife to hold onto him. I fully intended to put them back in the pond. The next one was really entangled. The line had started to cut into his leg thus causing bleeding. However, the leg was undamaged. I finally got that leg free. The line was also wrapped around his wing. While I was trying to get the wing loose, my wife lost control of the other one, and off he went. At first, I was irritated that she didn’t hold onto it…but….then we both realized he was really moving indicating he was in good shape. I finally got the other one loose….and off he took….to join his sibling. I would have liked to got them to the lake….but at least they had a chance now and they seemed to know where they going.
As we were working, two full blown Indiana red-necks pulled up beside us and asked if we were alright. I can imagine now how it must have looked. My wife standing there and me bent over in the grass. The one man said he thought I was sick so he stopped by to see what he could do. When I told him what happened, he exclaimed…”Praise the Lord!” Wow!! That hit me.
As we left, I felt really good and my time of reflection began. Three things hit me about the event.
First, notice it was the blood-thirsty hunter that stopped to help the animals. It wasn’t P.E.T.A. or some other animal rights whacko!! It was a hunter. We hunters are the true conservationist. We have a deep respect and honor for the game we pursue and do not desire unnecessary suffering for any of them.
Second, those guys stopping struck me. The Bible says in Hebrews that people have “entertained angels unaware.” Could those two guys have been some of my guardian angels? Only God knows. I just found it striking that the guy said, “Praise the Lord.” I don’t have religious symbols on my car and don’t wear them. He saw nothing to give a hint that it would impress me. It was genuine…and so out of place….in that place. That is…unless God is present.
Lastly, the Scripture in Matthew where Jesus said that God sees a sparrow when it falls came to my mind. God knew those goslings were there. And God knew I needed to learn a lesson. I don’t believe in coincidences and the longer I walk the faith….the more I know there are no such things. I was God’s man for this task.
Then, in my mind, God pushed me to remember the rest of that passage. After saying that God sees the sparrow fall, Jesus goes on to ask the rhetorical question, “Are you not more important than that sparrow?”
In these difficult financial times, it is easy to become frightened. It becomes easy to hoard and be less giving….more concerned about self survival rather than the community of faith and our financial obligations to God.
I would suggest, the next time we become a little tight fisted with God’s money, that we remember the story of two little goslings that God cared enough about one day to send a preacher, his wife, and two Indiana red-necks to meet up in the same place.
Then ask the question, “Am I not more important than these?”
1 comment:
That was a neat story, excellent way to pull a life experience into a spiritual teaching. Also, liked your disclaimer at the beginning about mysticism. I will definitely forward this to my wife.
Take care and keep up the excellent work for the Kingdom.
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