It is the graduation day of my youngest/last child…..Seth.
I need to ask my congregation's forgiveness right up front. I am not going to be myself today. Don't be offended if I seem like I'm off in my own little world. It doesn't seem that way. I am. I knew this going in to today which is why I asked someone I respect very much to speak today. Brian Schulz, Seth's youth minister for the last four years/PE Coach/Chemistry teacher/Asst. Debate and Archery Coach, will be speaking.
I need to apologize up front to my "Man Class." I am not going to be the embodiment of "manhood" today. My "feminine" side is going to show way too much. I feel like such a WUSS. I may have to be dismissed as the leader of the class. I understand.
What I don't understand is….."What is wrong with me?" Today is supposed to be a "happy" day right? Why do I feel like I'm going to a funeral? All this previous week, I would just be driving down the road…and all the sudden here come the tears. I haven't known whether to be angry or "admit" myself somewhere.
Make no mistake….I could not be happier and prouder of who Seth is as person and what this represents concerning his accomplishments. Ask any student of KCA….we do not GIVE diplomas away. They are earned….and those who cannot make it drop out. We had three in April who could no longer hack it and more may be dropping out yet. It takes a lot of hard work to earn a KCA diploma. I will NEVER lower the academic standards….nor the expectations of our students to strive for excellence as opposed to mediocrity.
So as I try to evaluate what the problem is here, I can only come up with one answer. It's not Seth that is the problem here. It is "Father Time." Man I hate him!!
Seth's graduation is forcing me to face some issues that I didn't really want to deal with….(as if I thought I would be exempt). I think the fact that Seth leaves for the Army in October exacerbates the problem.
My beautiful bride and I are about to step off in to the "fall" of our lives…i.e., the "empty nest" syndrome.
Oh yeah….I put on a big show for years…joked about it….said I was looking forward to it. BULL!!! My bluff has been called.
I have had people tell me…."Embrace it."
NO!!!! I don't want to and you can't make me!!!
When turkey hunting in Kansas I shared with Seth a little about what I was dealing with. I was wondering if we would ever hunt in that place again. He tried to comfort me by saying…."Oh Dad….there were be lots more times."
Oh…but it's different now. No longer will I have the ability to say…"Hey….let's load up and go do this or that." No…now it will be…."Well…if I can get off then"….and "No……I got other commitments"….and then, of course, there may well be…."I'm deploying to Afghanistan next week." Gonna be hard for me to "swing by" and pick him up there.
Seth is a special child….not just because he is my youngest. He is the only one created on purpose. Renee and Deuce were accidents. (I wish all my accidents turned out that good!!)
For those of you that don't know….we named him "Seth" because of a child that we lost shortly after Deuce was born. Seth's name in Hebrew is "replacement."
Seth is his father's son……he has so many of my characteristics….good or bad….and I am going to miss seeing him in the halls of KCA everyday. He brought an atmosphere to the school that defines what KCA is and what it stands for.
Well….I gotta go. Time to put on my suit and tie and attempt to put on my "happy face." I'll try to do good….I promise.
I just hope you all at Kent will forgive me and not think less of me.
Oh…and Seth….if for some reason I cannot say the words to you today….I am so proud of you.
Where ever your life takes you in this world don't forget a couple of things…….1) Don't ever forget WHO you belong to….i.e., who bought you with His blood; 2) Don't ever forget from where you came…i.e, the morals and standards you have been taught; 3) Don't ever forget….you are and always will be a KCA Patriot!!!!
I love you son!
I need to apologize up front to my "Man Class." I am not going to be the embodiment of "manhood" today. My "feminine" side is going to show way too much. I feel like such a WUSS. I may have to be dismissed as the leader of the class. I understand.
What I don't understand is….."What is wrong with me?" Today is supposed to be a "happy" day right? Why do I feel like I'm going to a funeral? All this previous week, I would just be driving down the road…and all the sudden here come the tears. I haven't known whether to be angry or "admit" myself somewhere.
Make no mistake….I could not be happier and prouder of who Seth is as person and what this represents concerning his accomplishments. Ask any student of KCA….we do not GIVE diplomas away. They are earned….and those who cannot make it drop out. We had three in April who could no longer hack it and more may be dropping out yet. It takes a lot of hard work to earn a KCA diploma. I will NEVER lower the academic standards….nor the expectations of our students to strive for excellence as opposed to mediocrity.
So as I try to evaluate what the problem is here, I can only come up with one answer. It's not Seth that is the problem here. It is "Father Time." Man I hate him!!
Seth's graduation is forcing me to face some issues that I didn't really want to deal with….(as if I thought I would be exempt). I think the fact that Seth leaves for the Army in October exacerbates the problem.
My beautiful bride and I are about to step off in to the "fall" of our lives…i.e., the "empty nest" syndrome.
Oh yeah….I put on a big show for years…joked about it….said I was looking forward to it. BULL!!! My bluff has been called.
I have had people tell me…."Embrace it."
NO!!!! I don't want to and you can't make me!!!
When turkey hunting in Kansas I shared with Seth a little about what I was dealing with. I was wondering if we would ever hunt in that place again. He tried to comfort me by saying…."Oh Dad….there were be lots more times."
Oh…but it's different now. No longer will I have the ability to say…"Hey….let's load up and go do this or that." No…now it will be…."Well…if I can get off then"….and "No……I got other commitments"….and then, of course, there may well be…."I'm deploying to Afghanistan next week." Gonna be hard for me to "swing by" and pick him up there.
Seth is a special child….not just because he is my youngest. He is the only one created on purpose. Renee and Deuce were accidents. (I wish all my accidents turned out that good!!)
For those of you that don't know….we named him "Seth" because of a child that we lost shortly after Deuce was born. Seth's name in Hebrew is "replacement."
Seth is his father's son……he has so many of my characteristics….good or bad….and I am going to miss seeing him in the halls of KCA everyday. He brought an atmosphere to the school that defines what KCA is and what it stands for.
Well….I gotta go. Time to put on my suit and tie and attempt to put on my "happy face." I'll try to do good….I promise.
I just hope you all at Kent will forgive me and not think less of me.
Oh…and Seth….if for some reason I cannot say the words to you today….I am so proud of you.
Where ever your life takes you in this world don't forget a couple of things…….1) Don't ever forget WHO you belong to….i.e., who bought you with His blood; 2) Don't ever forget from where you came…i.e, the morals and standards you have been taught; 3) Don't ever forget….you are and always will be a KCA Patriot!!!!
I love you son!
(Pic below is Seth standing outside the room at the parsonage in Kansas where he was born 18 1/2 years ago.) 

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